Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
The other day I gave my little girl a strawberry without yet taking off the little leaves. She asked, "Mommy, can you take off the lettuce?" LOL
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Stain Solutions
This will be a weekly post to make stinky stains go away(or at least make them a little less noticable). Check back each week for more helpful tips or add one in the comments below.
Scrape excess. Use commercial spot remove. Rinse; launder. Tough stain: Presoak with a paste of water and enzyme laundry detergent; rinse; dry, the launder.
Scrape excess. Use dry-cleaning solvent.
Wallpaper, painted surfaces: Wipe excess, then dab with cloth. Blot with paper towel.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Scrape excess. Use commercial spot remove. Rinse; launder. Tough stain: Presoak with a paste of water and enzyme laundry detergent; rinse; dry, the launder.
Scrape excess. Use dry-cleaning solvent.
Wallpaper, painted surfaces: Wipe excess, then dab with cloth. Blot with paper towel.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Friday, June 14, 2013
It's Bedtime!
In our home, our littlest baby has been moving from a crib to a big boy bed these past few weeks. First, the crib was disassembled and his tiny mattress was put on the floor. The initiation week we didn't force the issue of staying in his bed and not getting up to wander around.
Then this past week, I started being the strong arm of our outfit. The first night, I put him back in his 'bed' 28 times. Yes, people, TWENTY EIGHT TIMES. Most of that was him giggling and his sister and brother laughing hysterically as he escaped his room. This made the whole training experience a little tougher especially because he could tell that I wanted to giggle too. The second night, it took14 24 times. I thought at number 14, we were through for the night and mistakenly went to our room to sleep. NOPE. Another 10 more times of putting him back in bed and viola! Sleeping baby. Last night... only SIX times! wahoo! And even better, tonight, he was worn out enough that Daddy put him in bed and he didn't try to get up at all. :)
After a couple weeks we will be getting him an official big boy mattress set and put together his twin bed. I just like waiting until he's used to not rolling off the mattress on the floor. Then I put pillows on the outside edge of the bed which is what we are still doing for our almost 3 year old. She is definitely a rollypoley! My almost 5 year old every once in a while will have legs precariously dangling off his bed but for the most part stays on his mattress.
So what are your methods for moving your kiddo out of the crib and into the big kid bed?
Then this past week, I started being the strong arm of our outfit. The first night, I put him back in his 'bed' 28 times. Yes, people, TWENTY EIGHT TIMES. Most of that was him giggling and his sister and brother laughing hysterically as he escaped his room. This made the whole training experience a little tougher especially because he could tell that I wanted to giggle too. The second night, it took
After a couple weeks we will be getting him an official big boy mattress set and put together his twin bed. I just like waiting until he's used to not rolling off the mattress on the floor. Then I put pillows on the outside edge of the bed which is what we are still doing for our almost 3 year old. She is definitely a rollypoley! My almost 5 year old every once in a while will have legs precariously dangling off his bed but for the most part stays on his mattress.
So what are your methods for moving your kiddo out of the crib and into the big kid bed?
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Stain Solutions
This will be a weekly post to make stinky stains go away(or at least make them a little less noticable). Check back each week for more helpful tips or add one in the comments below.
ween paper towels, press with warm iron. Repeat with new paper towels. Clean with dry-cleaning solvent.
Wallpaper: Use commercial spot remover. Let dry; brush. Furniture: Use shaving cream; wipe with paper towel.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
ween paper towels, press with warm iron. Repeat with new paper towels. Clean with dry-cleaning solvent.
Wallpaper: Use commercial spot remover. Let dry; brush. Furniture: Use shaving cream; wipe with paper towel.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Mommy Tips Monday
Thank you so much to TheSmellyArmpit guest contributor today - the author Cherie Bright from Another Day, Another Story. Would you like to submit a Mommy Tips Monday post and highlight your site here? Please email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com. Here's more information about Cherie:
Cherie Bright is a stay-at-home mom, who refers to career as a holly homemaker/ mommy extraordinaire. She is the author of the blog and the book titled “Another Day, Another Story.” She is a graduate from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Computer Science and Communications, both of which she uses daily trying to outwit her children. Bright moved to The Woodlands, Texas in 2004 from El Dorado, Arkansas. She is the mother of two children and wife to one understanding husband. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, camping, and sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. “Another Day, Another Story,” is available at bookstores nationwide or by visiting or A download version is available direct from the publisher at
Kids Movies!
Do you know about these cheap movies at the movie theater for the kids? They always are packed out with preschool/daycare camps. But, they are cheap. They are in the cool. It's like 2 hours out of the house, but just sitting. It doesn't matter if your kid is bad, because there is always a kid that is worse there. And it's fun and an outing. Check your local theater for movies near you.
Here's some in the North Houston area...
Cherie Bright is a stay-at-home mom, who refers to career as a holly homemaker/ mommy extraordinaire. She is the author of the blog and the book titled “Another Day, Another Story.” She is a graduate from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Computer Science and Communications, both of which she uses daily trying to outwit her children. Bright moved to The Woodlands, Texas in 2004 from El Dorado, Arkansas. She is the mother of two children and wife to one understanding husband. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, camping, and sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. “Another Day, Another Story,” is available at bookstores nationwide or by visiting or A download version is available direct from the publisher at
Kids Movies!
Do you know about these cheap movies at the movie theater for the kids? They always are packed out with preschool/daycare camps. But, they are cheap. They are in the cool. It's like 2 hours out of the house, but just sitting. It doesn't matter if your kid is bad, because there is always a kid that is worse there. And it's fun and an outing. Check your local theater for movies near you.
Here's some in the North Houston area...
Sunday, June 9, 2013
DATE NIGHT: Schillecis
Friday night, MageeDaddy and I got to go on a date! By ourselves. No kids. No one
So we went to a New Orleans styled resturant with delicious Canjun and Creole fare - that's Schillecis. And YUM that's delicious! MageeDaddy had the Blackened Tilapia and I had the roast duck which was served with jumbalaya which was on the specials menu. Did I mention how DELICIOUS the food is? And really, we could have shared a dish there was so much food on the platters!
I liked the atmosphere of the place. The decor reminded me of the French Quarters especially with the option of outdoor dining. The waitstaff wore the traditional New Orleans waiter uniforms - crisp white shirts, black pants, and long black aprons. Our waiter Spencer was GREAT! He knew the menu and details about each item available. He was also great about being attentive but not at all annoying. The owners of the resturant were actually the first to greet us as we walked in the door and seemed to greet and know alot of the patrons.
Ok, now on to the main attraction... THE FOOD! It was delicious! The portions for us were big. The table next to us had po-boys and one person had a 1/2 and 1/2 plate where you can choose two entrees. Both the po-boys and her platter(and I mean platter not plate) were huge! The po-boy could have been halved to make it the size of the sandwiches I make at home. They've got the whole New Orleans menu down... po-boys, seafood, Cajun, Creole, and even hush puppies! By the end of our meal we were so full that we couldn't order dessert without hurting ourselves, but there was a waiter taking a plate filled with Beignets to the outdoor dining area - mmmmm. Prices are very reasonable at the resturant with Dinner Menu prices starting at $8 for appetizers, gumbo or soups for cup$8 or bowl$11, burgers$13 or even elk burgers for $15, the seafood and fish starting at $16, and entrees between $14 for Red Beans and Rice to $32 for the Broiled Gulf Coast Sampler.
With all this said, there's two ways the cost of the meal can go... safe or we only live once! Well, since we are averaging one (maybe two) date nights a month, we lived la vida loca. Or should I say "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!” :) And it was worth every penny!!!
Schillecis is located in Market Street, The Woodlands, Texas between Charming Charlie and the Stadia Sports Grill.
Sunday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Monday to Thursday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday and Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Special Menu 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Dixieland Band
From 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
$10 off any bottle of wine
From 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Yearly
Ok, ladies. You probably know what I'm talking about... the yearly... where you feel like shopping or eating chocolate or drinking afterwards. But it is for our health and in my case to also get my prescription refilled for my happy pills. So definitely worth it.
Something else about having to go to the doctor, that I find handy, is that when I go to these appointments alone, I get a good nap. With 3 kids that are almost 5, 3, and 1.5 years old, I'll take a nap anyway I can get one. I have no shame. Today, the doctor was running a bit late. Only by about 30 minutes which actually didn't bother me at all. Why?
Well, after getting on the robe and throwing the blankie/sheet over my lap, I laid down on the exam bed thing and promptly fell asleep. Surely, they have to know this can happen. The room was quiet. There weren't any tiny people asking for sippies or crying over stolen toys or whatnot. The temperature was not too hot and not too cold. Did I mention how quiet the place was? I was given a robe to put on and a sheet to cover up with while sitting on the bed thing. What else was I suppose to do?
Next thing I know, in walks the doctor and I'm wiping drool off my face. The doctor apologized for taking so long and I said something like Are you kidding? That was the best sleep I've had in weeks! I think that made her feel better since it was a very sincere statement. LOL
All in all I can't complain about my yearly. I'm thankful for a country that we live in where exams are available and am so glad it's not a shameful thing to be screened for cancer. I'm also thankful for that nap.
Something else about having to go to the doctor, that I find handy, is that when I go to these appointments alone, I get a good nap. With 3 kids that are almost 5, 3, and 1.5 years old, I'll take a nap anyway I can get one. I have no shame. Today, the doctor was running a bit late. Only by about 30 minutes which actually didn't bother me at all. Why?
Well, after getting on the robe and throwing the blankie/sheet over my lap, I laid down on the exam bed thing and promptly fell asleep. Surely, they have to know this can happen. The room was quiet. There weren't any tiny people asking for sippies or crying over stolen toys or whatnot. The temperature was not too hot and not too cold. Did I mention how quiet the place was? I was given a robe to put on and a sheet to cover up with while sitting on the bed thing. What else was I suppose to do?
Next thing I know, in walks the doctor and I'm wiping drool off my face. The doctor apologized for taking so long and I said something like Are you kidding? That was the best sleep I've had in weeks! I think that made her feel better since it was a very sincere statement. LOL
All in all I can't complain about my yearly. I'm thankful for a country that we live in where exams are available and am so glad it's not a shameful thing to be screened for cancer. I'm also thankful for that nap.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Stain Solutions
This will be a weekly post to make stinky stains go away(or at least make them a little less noticable). Check back each week for more helpful tips or add one in the comments below.
Flush with club soda. Tough stain: Sponge with liquid hand soap and ammonia; launder.
Blot or scrape excess; flush with club soda. Apply dry-cleaning solvent. Launder.
Apply solution of dishwashing liquid and hot water. Wipe stain with suds. Rinse; polish.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Flush with club soda. Tough stain: Sponge with liquid hand soap and ammonia; launder.
Blot or scrape excess; flush with club soda. Apply dry-cleaning solvent. Launder.
Apply solution of dishwashing liquid and hot water. Wipe stain with suds. Rinse; polish.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
$10 Gift Card!
I eat at McDonald's ALL the time. Whether going through the drive thru for one of the cheap $1 drinks or to get some fries and apples as snacks for the kids when people are sick of running errands and I have forgot to put food in the car to minimize the whining. LOL So how about this...
Woot woot! Haven't heard of Plink? Well, you basically link your credit or debit card with them and then dine and shop offline to get points. Viola! That easy!!!
Here's the fine print: New Plink members only, one sign-up bonus per person Plink Member must link a credit or debit card and make a purchase at McDonald's by +Sunday, 6/9 11:59 EST Purchase is necessary (after the member links a credit/debit card to their Plink account) to qualify for the bonus 1,000 Plink Points by +Sunday, 6/9 11:59 EST
Bonus 1,000 Plink Points will be awarded within 7 business days of the transaction posting date.
McDonald's purchases that occur on +6/10 or later will not qualify for the bonus.
Woot woot! Haven't heard of Plink? Well, you basically link your credit or debit card with them and then dine and shop offline to get points. Viola! That easy!!!
Here's the fine print: New Plink members only, one sign-up bonus per person Plink Member must link a credit or debit card and make a purchase at McDonald's by +Sunday, 6/9 11:59 EST Purchase is necessary (after the member links a credit/debit card to their Plink account) to qualify for the bonus 1,000 Plink Points by +Sunday, 6/9 11:59 EST
Bonus 1,000 Plink Points will be awarded within 7 business days of the transaction posting date.
McDonald's purchases that occur on +6/10 or later will not qualify for the bonus.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Mommy Tips Monday
<i>Today's tip comes from none other than moi - MageeMommy - the owner of this blog! :) Have some good tips for the home or health or heart? Send them along with a link to your site to mageemommy at gmail dot com</i>
The dreaded car ride.
You know what I mean - the one with toddlers(enter horror movie music here)! We still have yet to invest in a DVD player
for the car so we get a bit creative in keeping the <s>whining</s>
boredom to a minimum.
Here’s a couple
things I like to keep in the car for long or short rides:
Ohhh, people don’t leave home without them. I have pretzels or Goldfish crackers in the
car at all times. Whatever works for
your kids, remember to keep them in the car!
But word of advice from learning from one of my mistakes is do not, I mean DON’T under any circumstance, give your kids marshmellows in
the car for a snack. It’s a bad idea on
so many levels.
let my kids pick out toys to bring but also always have books in the car. None of them can read yet, but they love looking
through the pictures and making up their own stories.
EXTRA SET OF CLOTHES. I never know when someone is going to have an
accident or slide down a slide into a puddle of water or, heaven forbid, power
puke. It’s like preventing Murphy’s law
by having this extra set of clothes with us, but as soon as I take them out
when organizing, someone is going to need them.
Also, go ahead and bring swim diapers with you at all times. It’s getting to be hot hot hot where we live
and I figure if the opportunity arises for the kids to have a chance to cool
off in some splash park, I’ll be ready!
What are some of your must have for long or short car rides?
Father's Day Gift Idea!
Looking for an unique Father's Day gift idea? Look no further than your own photos and turn them into canvas prints by Canvas People! And here's a great deal on them... :) woot woot!

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Join and earn 1,000s of free prizes, for doing the things you do every day!!!
I joined at least over a year ago and have earned LOTS of $5 Amazon gift cards. wahooo! But don't think that's all you can earn; there's LOTS of different prizes!
Here's a better description from SwagBucks... is an online portal dedicated to helping you earn digital dollars called “Swag Bucks”, which can be redeemed for exclusive merchandise. Things like PayPal and Amazon gift cards, toys, clothes, collectibles, games, electronics and more… is a 100% free, no strings attached, free prizes, no shipping charges, no membership fee’s. has already rewarded over a million users with gift cards, and all kinds of quality products, to members across the United states, Canada and UK.
So how does it work? You just sign in and search the internet for whatever you were going to search the internet for already to try to win Swag Bucks and there are many other ways to earn Swag Bucks too. Yep, that easy!
Toddler Takes
I finally got around to getting memory cards for my kids cheap cameras. Luckily, memory cards have gotten super cheaps since I stepped off the technology train - 8Gb equals just $8 these days at Best Buy. woot woot! So today they had a blast taking pictures of all sorts of stuff. Here's a shot of our garden by my 4 year old.
And here's a tree picture...
And a view of our kiddie andirondack chairs...
Not bad photos for being a 4 year old with a cheap camera! :)
Saturday, June 1, 2013
People of Walmart
Oh, don't pretend like you don't know the site.
Hey! You might have even been a star on it and don't even know it. Ok, that actually might be one of my fears... if I had any. LOL
Seriously, I sometimes go to Walmart knowing I could almost be a candidate for the People of Walmart website. So the other night, I decided to cruise through their latest posts and make sure my image hadn't graced their pages. Whew! Thankfully, nope! Still, I must remember to shower and brush my hair before I go out in public and let's face it the People of Walmart website is a good motivator for me to make sure I don't look like a slob, am not showing my muffin top with a tube top or my plumber's crack with ultra lowrise pants and an indecent thong, and also to make sure I just look decent and/or I am not dressed in a weird (or nonweird) costume.
Hey! You might have even been a star on it and don't even know it. Ok, that actually might be one of my fears... if I had any. LOL
Seriously, I sometimes go to Walmart knowing I could almost be a candidate for the People of Walmart website. So the other night, I decided to cruise through their latest posts and make sure my image hadn't graced their pages. Whew! Thankfully, nope! Still, I must remember to shower and brush my hair before I go out in public and let's face it the People of Walmart website is a good motivator for me to make sure I don't look like a slob, am not showing my muffin top with a tube top or my plumber's crack with ultra lowrise pants and an indecent thong, and also to make sure I just look decent and/or I am not dressed in a weird (or nonweird) costume.
Coupons to Beat the Heat!
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