Friday, May 31, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
After wrestling with his little brother, my almost 5 year old reassured his grandmamma that everything was ok by saying, “Boys play
really rough.”
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
For the Locals or Soon Visiting!
Just found out about this website in the paper this past week... HoustonOnTheCheap !!! It's a daily roundup of deals just for the Houston area and it's great! Saw a link to a groupon deal for dinner for two to a Brazilian steakhouse for just $39 total! Any time we have eaten there(not often - like anniversary should-we-spend-this-much on dinner type dinner), we have spent like $100! whewww! So this is a great deal and it is always soooo yummy! Anyway, also there listings on free admission to museums for military members and discount info for concerts. Great website! I even liked the facebook page. :)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Stain Solutions
This will be a weekly post to make stinky stains go away(or at least make them a little less noticable). Check back each week for more helpful tips or add one in the comments below.
Baby Food
Scrap or blot excess. Presoak in commercial spot remover for 40 minutes. Launder
Scrap or blot excess. Flush with dry-cleaning solvent. Let dry.
Wallpaper: Blot excess. Wipe with damp cloth. Tough stain: the dry-cleaning solvent.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Baby Food
Scrap or blot excess. Presoak in commercial spot remover for 40 minutes. Launder
Scrap or blot excess. Flush with dry-cleaning solvent. Let dry.
Wallpaper: Blot excess. Wipe with damp cloth. Tough stain: the dry-cleaning solvent.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
After dinner the other night, my husband, my little almost 3 year old girl, and I were relaxing at the table. All of the sudden, in a very reminiscent voice, she remarked about her little brother, "Oh, remember when WaWa puked?"
Not exactly the dinner conversation I had anticipated.
Not exactly the dinner conversation I had anticipated.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Everything's Bigger In Texas
...especially hair. This morning I woke up to some big hair. I'm pretty sure it grew fuzzier overnight. Plus, in Texas there is a big danger of having scary hair when it's not dried after bathtime and before bedtime. WHEW Can you guess which side I tamed a bit before I took the picture? .
I had brushed my hair before taking this picture this morning so it's not as fuzzy as when I first woke up. My trusty flat iron came to the rescue this morning! Anyone else tame your mane with a flat iron? Do you use product in your hair? How do you keep your mop maintained?
I had brushed my hair before taking this picture this morning so it's not as fuzzy as when I first woke up. My trusty flat iron came to the rescue this morning! Anyone else tame your mane with a flat iron? Do you use product in your hair? How do you keep your mop maintained?
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
Right now, we are in lovebug season in these here parts. They are unabashed little bugs that perform their "courtship" out and about for all the world to see. The other day I looked up and there were about a million(ok maybe not a million but it was a lot) of these critters flying around doing their dance and landing on my husband's new(to us) fancy ride.
My little boy started smashing the bugs because he didn't want them on his daddy's car. I wouldn't have worried about it too much except that my sister had some squashed on her car and the paint chipped off. NNOOOOOO! I quickly got an automotive papertowel and cleaned the remains all off the vehicle. WHEW! Crisis averted! That's when my little boy said, "Oh, do we have to get Daddy a new car now?"
My little boy started smashing the bugs because he didn't want them on his daddy's car. I wouldn't have worried about it too much except that my sister had some squashed on her car and the paint chipped off. NNOOOOOO! I quickly got an automotive papertowel and cleaned the remains all off the vehicle. WHEW! Crisis averted! That's when my little boy said, "Oh, do we have to get Daddy a new car now?"
Snack Coupons!
Headed on an out of town adventure this weekend or sometime in your near future? You might want to load up on snacks for the car ride. Here's some coupon links!

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The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Coupon for Crayola Fans!

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Beautiful Flower
One of my favorite things to hear is my little daughter excitedly exclaiming, "Look Momma! They're ballooning! They're ballooning!" Whether she is referring to the white with purple centered african daisies in our backyard or the surprise pumpkin plants in our front yard, it is a delight to my ears. She loves flowers and isn't bias in observing their unique beauty and qualities. From the common clover to the exquisite rose, my sweet girl appreciates them, breaths in their fragrances, gently strokes their petals noting how soft they are, and cries when we don't take time to stop and just enjoy their presence.
This past Sunday was Mother's day. The church we attended had a baby and child dedication as part of the service and had wonderfully talented women singing for the praise part of the service. The pastor talked about how God is a promise keeper. But out of all the morning that I remember hearing or being a part of, what stuck with me was listening to the pastor talk about little girls and comparing them to flowers.
He has a daughter of his own and spoke a word of advice to all of us mommy's with daughters that were in church that day. Watching a little girl grow up is like watching a flower blossom. The pastor basically asked everyone if they ever had seen an ugly flower(of course, no one could name one; and it was a rhetorical question). Then he pointed out how some flowers we take for granted because they are common to us like here in the state of Texas a common flower is the bluebonnet. It is still a beautiful flower though. (Or for example, the dandelion might be considered a weed but I love it because it is a fluffy little thing and yellow is my favorite color.)
He warned all the mommies out there to not try to make our little girls to be roses if they are not roses. But let them grow and bloom just how God has intended and just how God has created them to be. All of his words made me think of my own beautiful little flower. How she put her hands together over her head the other day in the dining room and twirled around in a circle almost falling down and told me she was practicing her "Balrina". How she wants to protect bugs and gives them names like Squirmy Wormy. When she brings in flowers from the yard for my vase or puckers her lips and says, "I give you kisses." And then points to her cheek and wants me to give her kisses back. She is a sweet fragrance to my heart.
I hope to never try to define what type of blossom she will bloom to be someday. I never want to undermine her selfconfidence, but build her up and feed her the miracle grow of God's promises. I hope she knows how much I love her for just being her - beautiful blue eyes and all!
This past Sunday was Mother's day. The church we attended had a baby and child dedication as part of the service and had wonderfully talented women singing for the praise part of the service. The pastor talked about how God is a promise keeper. But out of all the morning that I remember hearing or being a part of, what stuck with me was listening to the pastor talk about little girls and comparing them to flowers.
He has a daughter of his own and spoke a word of advice to all of us mommy's with daughters that were in church that day. Watching a little girl grow up is like watching a flower blossom. The pastor basically asked everyone if they ever had seen an ugly flower(of course, no one could name one; and it was a rhetorical question). Then he pointed out how some flowers we take for granted because they are common to us like here in the state of Texas a common flower is the bluebonnet. It is still a beautiful flower though. (Or for example, the dandelion might be considered a weed but I love it because it is a fluffy little thing and yellow is my favorite color.)
He warned all the mommies out there to not try to make our little girls to be roses if they are not roses. But let them grow and bloom just how God has intended and just how God has created them to be. All of his words made me think of my own beautiful little flower. How she put her hands together over her head the other day in the dining room and twirled around in a circle almost falling down and told me she was practicing her "Balrina". How she wants to protect bugs and gives them names like Squirmy Wormy. When she brings in flowers from the yard for my vase or puckers her lips and says, "I give you kisses." And then points to her cheek and wants me to give her kisses back. She is a sweet fragrance to my heart.
I hope to never try to define what type of blossom she will bloom to be someday. I never want to undermine her selfconfidence, but build her up and feed her the miracle grow of God's promises. I hope she knows how much I love her for just being her - beautiful blue eyes and all!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
We are starting to try to memorize Bible verses at our house. We are starting at the almost beginning with Genesis 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
My kids like to add a little something extra by saying,
"Genesis 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light,"
and there was light."
My kids like to add a little something extra by saying,
"Genesis 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light,"
and there was light."
Friday, May 17, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
My little girl woke up and crawled in bed to cuddle the other morning. She didn't want to put her head on the pillow so it was just below my arm with her noise precariously near my armpit. Her tiny sweet voice state, "Eoh, that's stinky." haha!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Things Toddlers Say,
At breakfast, my two year old blessed our meal, "Thank you God for toys and pineapple and fod and Jesus and toys. Amen"
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Free Tote Bag from York Photos!
I am a big fan of tote bags. I literally have two plastic totes of tote bags to use when we are heading on a day trip or when I'm going to Aldi(love that store). So when I saw this offer for a free tote bag through York Photos I was super excited!
Here's some of the fine print:
York Photo Free Tote Bag. Great for beach vacations, trips to the park, picnics, and more! Plus get 40 free prints.
Use Code: MYTOTE
Expires June 15th
New Customers Only
Shipping for Tote Starts At: $3.99
Woot woot! Sounds like an awesome deal to me!
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Tackle It Tuesday
Oh yea baby! I'm preposting this because I'm so excited! Do you know how hard it is to clean with having two toddlers and an almost 5 year old? Yes, yes, you do don't ya! Well, on Sunday, Mother's Day no less, the single best thing that happened all day(besides getting to taste the brisket hot off the day long cooking on the grill - so love my husband)? It was being able to pickup and clean up the kids rooms AND vacuum each room including the playroom. Plus, the bonus of getting to vacuum the comforter and floors in my room - there was a shortcake mishap by my one year old. Somehow, he must have pulled some sort of pin and threw it in the air where it exploded into a bazillion crumbs. Ok, I digress. The point is, almost all the floors in my house are clean at one time. Yes folks, prayers are answers(I'm kind of kidding but literally have been praying about keeping up the house this week - God listens even to silly things like this!). Hallelujiah! I'm soooo happy! Happy Tackle It Tuesday! Any housework miracles happen for ya lately? Let me know in the comments below. :)
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mommy Tips Monday
Today's Mommy Tip comes from MOI the owner and writer of this blog - MageeMommy! If you have a tip you would like to submit, please email me at mageemommy at gmail dot com with a link to your website.
Oh, there is only one thing on par with the necessity of having diapers available at any moment... that's CAR SNACKS! Yep, I try to never leave home without them. Today, before hitting the door for church, I stopped and took 2 minutes to cut up and bag apple slices. Oh what a lifesaver! As soon as I got in the car everyone was getting fussy and cranky and Daddy started tossing slices toward the back of the car like we were at a safari drivethrough and a herd of hungry zebras were getting dangerously close to our bumper. For lasting car snacks, I like to have a bag of goldfish crackers or vanilla wafers. Both these snacks can weather the weather... especially with how hot cars can get here in south Texas.
So if you are about to have little ones or have teenagers, my tip is to stock your car with whatever snack works for you and keep car cranky to a minimum! :)
Oh, there is only one thing on par with the necessity of having diapers available at any moment... that's CAR SNACKS! Yep, I try to never leave home without them. Today, before hitting the door for church, I stopped and took 2 minutes to cut up and bag apple slices. Oh what a lifesaver! As soon as I got in the car everyone was getting fussy and cranky and Daddy started tossing slices toward the back of the car like we were at a safari drivethrough and a herd of hungry zebras were getting dangerously close to our bumper. For lasting car snacks, I like to have a bag of goldfish crackers or vanilla wafers. Both these snacks can weather the weather... especially with how hot cars can get here in south Texas.
So if you are about to have little ones or have teenagers, my tip is to stock your car with whatever snack works for you and keep car cranky to a minimum! :)
The Paunch
The popped biscuit can.
The jelly roll.
The belly flap.
Oh, my nicknames for my stomach could go on and on. I'm trying to lose weight. OK. FINE! I'm not trying that hard. Yes, I had Nestle chocolate chunks straight from the bag tonight and ate Corn Pops for dinner. So what?! You wann'in' to starts somethin'. You taking to me?! Don't make me smack you with my extra tummy bulge. Smack, smack.
Ok, I'm cooling down. I wouldn't want to actually burn some calories by accident and all. Ok, seriously, I have been losing weight little by little since February. I would say I started in January but I broke some ribs and messed up my shoulder in December and darn if those ribs take a while to heal. So since February I've lost I would like to say officially 10 pounds! woot woot! Since last fall I've gone from a size 14(under the belly flap, meaning wearing jeans on my hips) to a size 10 or 9 depending on the make of the jeans! yeeehawwww! Still though, at the suggestion of a family member(unnamed as to protect her identity - love you!), an informant of mine mentioned the use of spanks or something like that. So I just signed up to win a $100 Kohl's gift card in which I hopefully will be spending most of the money on a spanks like item like the Flexees by Maidenform Easy-Up Firm Control Strapless Slip – 2304. Yep, I’m still rockin’ the flabby belly pooch from baby #3. Someday this arch nemisis will be tamed by hour after hour at the gym but until them I’ll have to rely on other superhero tools like this!
Can I get a holla all you other ladies that still feel s*xy even with our paunches? (Yea, take that Ambercranchy and Fitchy.)
The jelly roll.
The belly flap.
Oh, my nicknames for my stomach could go on and on. I'm trying to lose weight. OK. FINE! I'm not trying that hard. Yes, I had Nestle chocolate chunks straight from the bag tonight and ate Corn Pops for dinner. So what?! You wann'in' to starts somethin'. You taking to me?! Don't make me smack you with my extra tummy bulge. Smack, smack.
Ok, I'm cooling down. I wouldn't want to actually burn some calories by accident and all. Ok, seriously, I have been losing weight little by little since February. I would say I started in January but I broke some ribs and messed up my shoulder in December and darn if those ribs take a while to heal. So since February I've lost I would like to say officially 10 pounds! woot woot! Since last fall I've gone from a size 14(under the belly flap, meaning wearing jeans on my hips) to a size 10 or 9 depending on the make of the jeans! yeeehawwww! Still though, at the suggestion of a family member(unnamed as to protect her identity - love you!), an informant of mine mentioned the use of spanks or something like that. So I just signed up to win a $100 Kohl's gift card in which I hopefully will be spending most of the money on a spanks like item like the Flexees by Maidenform Easy-Up Firm Control Strapless Slip – 2304. Yep, I’m still rockin’ the flabby belly pooch from baby #3. Someday this arch nemisis will be tamed by hour after hour at the gym but until them I’ll have to rely on other superhero tools like this!
Can I get a holla all you other ladies that still feel s*xy even with our paunches? (Yea, take that Ambercranchy and Fitchy.)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
When waking up the other morning, my two year old tells me, "Mommy, you need a bath. You stink."
Ohh the confidence builders of being a mommy. LOL
Ohh the confidence builders of being a mommy. LOL
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sending Flowers for Mother's Day?
Here's a great way to send flowers for Mother's Day 1800flowers !

And some of the fine print...
Private offer for new members only! Sign up for Plink today, make a minimum $20 purchase at 1-800-Flowers .com by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST, and we'll give you 2,000 Plink Points - enough to redeem for a $20 Gift Card of your choice at places like, Target, Walmart, Kohls, Starbucks and more!
Terms: New Plink Members only. Plink Member must link a credit or debit card and make a $20 purchase by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST. Minimum $20 purchase necessary (after the member links a credit/debit card to their Plink account) to qualify for the bonus 2,000 Plink Points by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST. Bonus 2,000 Plink Points will be awarded within 7 business days of the transaction posting date. Purchases that occur on 5/13 or later will not count toward this promotion, but will still earn Plink Points at the normal rate.
*This is my affiliate link.*

And some of the fine print...
Private offer for new members only! Sign up for Plink today, make a minimum $20 purchase at 1-800-Flowers .com by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST, and we'll give you 2,000 Plink Points - enough to redeem for a $20 Gift Card of your choice at places like, Target, Walmart, Kohls, Starbucks and more!
Terms: New Plink Members only. Plink Member must link a credit or debit card and make a $20 purchase by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST. Minimum $20 purchase necessary (after the member links a credit/debit card to their Plink account) to qualify for the bonus 2,000 Plink Points by Sunday, 5/12 11:59 EST. Bonus 2,000 Plink Points will be awarded within 7 business days of the transaction posting date. Purchases that occur on 5/13 or later will not count toward this promotion, but will still earn Plink Points at the normal rate.
*This is my affiliate link.*
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
My kids can't stand having their hair washed and/or especially rinsed. So while we were at Sea World recently on our big family vacation this year, we were walking to the area for Shamu and hurrying to make it to the exciting show. I said, "We have to hurry so we don't miss the Shamu show." My son stopped in his tracked and with a frowny face protested, "No!!! I don't like Shampoo!!!"
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Inspirational Bumper Sticker
Today I saw a bumper sticker that said, "You're scenary never changes unless you're the lead dog." I giggled a little and then thought, Aren't most dogs completely comfortable with smelling butt. I guess most people are comfortable with just being comfortable and don't even realize we're just smelling butt most of our lives.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Things Toddlers Say
Recently, we got to go on a family vacation to San Antonio. It was great! We even had a private tour one day while the park was closed where we fed dolphines, sealions and seals. Visited the shark and reef area and also the penquins. So cool. When at the end of the tour, the guide asked if there were any other animals we wished we could have seen. My little daughter replied, "Ostriches!"
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Amazon Local

Ok, I love sites where I can save some money by doing things I love! AmazonLocal is just one of those sites. Save up to 75% at restaurants, salons, and other businesses in your hometown. See where AmazonLocal is now and sign up to get free deal e-mails.
I've found deals for all sorts of stuff on this site but my favorite that I want to try is the "Custom Image to Metal with Free Shipping". For my birthday this year, I got to have a professional photographer take pictures of my kids at the park. It was great! So now I have all these wonderful photos in electronic format just waiting to be printed. I think that this would be a fun way to display them at a great price!
Wondering if AmazonLocal is available in your area? Check it out here to find out.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
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