Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things Toddlers Say: Sickly KeeCats

This week the entire house has been fighting illness... pink eye, bronchitius, sinutitus, crankiness, ear infections, you name it! So finally after I woke up with my eye matted shut on Thursday morning, I declared(inside my head) that it was DOCTOR day! Yep, the entire family, literally all 5 of us, saw doctors that day.

While at the pediatrician's office, I instructed my 4 year old to listen up as he might learn some doctorin' techniques just in case he wanted to be a doctor someday(momma's have hopes and all). He exclaimed, "I DON'T WANT TO BE A DOCTOR!" So the doctor asked what he would want to be. He replied something about an aquarium. Then my little 2 year old exclaimed, "I want to be a KeeCat when I grow up!"

The doctor replied, "Those are great aspirations." And I agree!!! :)

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