Friday, December 28, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Friday, December 21, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
I replied with a smile, "Yes, I am."
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Are You Hurt, Mommy?
"Well, yes. But I'll be ok." Stay calm. Is my phone in my pocket? Ok. Good. Dial 911... don't freak out, your children are watching. Don't freak out.
The 911 operator answers and I request an ambulance. I'm so glad they are so calm. Hang up with 911. "4 year old, please go unlock the front door." 4 year old unlocks the backdoor. "Good job! Ok, now I need to you go unlock the front door and yell for help ok?" I hear the front door unlock and open, "My mommy is hurt. Please help my mommy!"
4 year old comes back and around the same time 2 year old hands me an unbroken ordament from the display 6 or 8 feet above the fireplace I was finishing. "No! No! Get back in the kitchen! Please play around the train table. Back in the kitchen - both of you!!!" So the kids get back in the kitchen area and about this time the army of firemen and EMT guys show up.
They were complete professionals and very curteous and very good with my babies. I can't remember all they asked or did but remember them checking my spine and neck. Getting me into a neck brace and back brace. The fireman with 8 babies of his own getting 1 year old out of his crib and packing up diapers and his bottle and taking the babies across the street to our neighbors. Being lifted onto a stretcher, stretcher being lifted into the ambulance. Taking a ride in the ambulance that seemed to take a long time but was probably only 10 minutes tops. Waiting in the ER for a little room. My sister showing up and making me feel safe and calm just talking with her. My husband showing up and feeling even safer because my knight in shining armor was there.
Now for the "fun" part... I got xrays of my knees, legs and ankles. Then got a CT scan of the rest of my body - head to knee. Even my insides were checked out. They also verified that I have a brain contrary to belief after my stupid attempt of being on a ladder without any other adult around.(ps I should have listened to my husband) Turns out I got 4 broken ribs from the deal and I'm pretty sure my left shoulder is messed up a bit and maybe my left knee. Also got 3 or 4 stitches in my right shin and two layers of stitches in my left knee. I'm just now able to bend it a little and it doesn't look quite as bad as it did 24 hours after getting stitches. I never really saw it but my husband said it looked pretty bad as the doctor was stitching it up. ick. Glad I didn't look I would have passed out!
So what have I learned... don't get on a ladder without my husband around and when my husband says to not do something because he wants me to be safe then don't do it.
So what am I thankful for... that I wasn't hurt as bad as I could have been. I'm thankful for God protecting me even when I do stupid things. I'm thankful for God protecting my children - I could have squished or killed them and am SO THANKFUL that they are safe. I'm so thankful for God's protection and mercy. I'm thankful for my husband, sister, neighbor, and mom for taking such good care of me and the babies during this time. I'm thankful that my entire family is still able to celebrate Christmas together!!! I'm thankful that I can walk still and that I have access to worldclass medical facilities and staff and medicine. I'm thankful for family and I'm thankful for God loving me and protecting me.
Monday, December 17, 2012
What's Adorable?
I brought her some cough and cold medicine and held her and cuddled until I thought she was falling back asleep. Then she started coughing a little again so I thought a little more cough medicine might help and slipped out of her room. As a mommy though, we have to multitask. So before going back downstairs for more medicine, I gathered up a bunch of snacks from today from the playroom but before I could get downstairs my little girl was standing in her doorway. Shewing her back to her bed, I realized why she had gotten out of it... reindeer food.
See, today at the church we visited, they gave all the little ones reindeer food. It consisted of red hots, minimarshmellows, and dry oatmeal, lots of oatmeal. Both my son and daughter were so excited to get their reindeer food and were talking about already putting it out for Santa's sleigh's horsepower. We dissuaded them until we make it to Grandmama's for Christmas Eve but since I went to bed at 7:30 not feeling so good I didn't think to secure the said food.
So that leads the story back to my adorable little girl standing by her bed and us staring at all the reindeer food literally covering the sheets. I go back downstairs now abandoning the cough medicine idea and grab the vacuum from my closet. Back upstairs with it. Flip on the light and hope that no one else wakes up due to the industrial strength engine noise.
In my tired mind, this seemed like the best possible solution. In the past many a food crumb or crumbs have been disposed of in our home with this method. Little did I know that my new 40000psi suction machine would prove otherwise. You see, I wasn't vacuuming a solid surface but bedsheets, loosely fitting bedsheets. Just as I flipped the switch, the sheet popped up off the bed and a confetti of oats went flying in my face and up in the air. Sigh. My little girl giggled. I giggled. And now it was just so silly it was fun. After vacuuming up the big piles, I gathered the sheet into a bundle to shake out sometime later this morning.
Now time to put on new sheets. The pink and white flowery ones were the most handy so out they come from the closet. My little girls sees them and smiles great big and claps and squeels, "Oooo the flower sheets!" Ok, so what's adorable? That's adorable even at 2:30 in the morning.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Friday, December 7, 2012
Things Toddlers Say,
I replied, "A Caboose."
"A ca boot??"
"No, a caboose."
Then she started giggling and said, "Ohhh caboooose."
Friday, November 30, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
"... had a CHICKEN! e-i-e-i... PUPPIES!"
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
I Like My Kids' Doctor... but not THAT much!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
She also says amusing things in public. Like at Walmart, she proclaimed, "Mommy pooted!" (ahem, I did not but how can I deny it after a 2 year old tells everyone. LOL)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
"Give me back my booger! I want my booger back!!!" After wiping the booger off his nose and face. LOL
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Stain Solutions
Sponge stain with cold water. Apply paste of cornstarch and cold water. Rub lightly. Let dry; brush off. Tough stain: soak in solution of 1 Tbs enzyme laundry detergent and 1 qt warm water; launder.
Sponge stain with cold water. Add ammonia to remove final traces of stain.
Wood furniture: sponge with cool water and dishwashing liquid. Dry with cloth. Leather, suede: Sponge with cool water. Apply warm water adn dishwashing liquid. Work gently. Rinse; blot.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to BE CAREFUL!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
While eating breakfast yesterday, MageeBoy informed me that he could see snails in the backyard. Then while eating breakfast sausages, he let me know that snails eat orange sausages. Who knew?!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Stain Solutions
Baby Food
Scrape or blot excess. Presoak in commercial spot remover for 40 minutes. Launder.
Scrape or blot excess. Flush with dry-cleaning solvent. Let dry.
WALLPAPER: Blot excess. Wipe with damp cloth. Tough stain: use dry-cleaning solvent.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to consider wearing a poncho while feeding baby.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
While MageePrincess and I were dancing in the living room while MageeDaddy played drums last night, MageeBoy came in with a bag of chips the size of his body. Then he said, "Sister, these are called chips. Chips." LOL Glad he is teaching her things. :)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Stain Solutions
Soak for 30 minutes in solution of 1 qt cool water, 1 TBS ammonia, 1/2 tsp dishwashing liquid. Rinse. Soak again for 1 hour in warm water and 1 TBS white vinegar. Rinse; dry
Furniture fabrics: Clean with solution of 1 part dishwashing liquid and 3 parts water; add ammonia. Absorb, using cloth. Rinse with cool water.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is that you might just be allergic to the kind of deoderant you are using. If you seem to have "pit stains" no matter how you wash your clothes, then try out some different deo for your b.o.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Have You Heard of Pearl Brown?
Directly after visiting the website I checked my daily devotional email and this was the first verse...
Psalm 3:5-8
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.
[a.]Proverbs 3:6 Or will direct your paths
It's annoying that my faith wanes so frequently. God speaks directly to my heart in very intimate ways. He knows me more than anyone else ever will. He loves me more than anyone ever could. Still, I question Him, doubt Him, don't obey Him. His mercy is boundless and His forgiveness is as far as the east is from the west. I'm so thankful for Jesus. I'm thankful for the horrible things my marriage went through so I can go back now and look at the "pillars set up" to remind me of what He had done in my life and heart at that time and the answered prayers that whisper, "Yes, I am here. Yes, I am real. Yes, I love you with an everlasting love." And I'm so thankful for Pearl Brown and her family that teach me and remind me to Trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Ephesians 3:20
Ephesians 3:20 came up in a sermon last Sunday and has stuck with me since then. Sometimes I'm amazed by what God has given me. I don't deserve this life. I don't deserve the family I've been given. I don't deserve salvation. But it's not about me and what I really deserve, it's about His love and because of His love God should get the glory. Most moments I forget that.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Up Above the Sky So High...
Friday, October 19, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
While playing in sister's room, MageeBoy had a duckie holding a present and a dinosaur facing each other. Then he sang, "Happy Birthday to that green dinosaur! And many mooooooeee!"
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mommy Tips Mondays
THE BRAT DIET... (with a side of gatorade)
The last couple weeks my family has been sick... It started with our little boy waking up after bedtime, crying out for mommy which was quickly followed up with a barraaaapppphhuuuuaaa, and some more crying. MageeDaddy thankfully took the lead as the clean up crew while the stripped our sick little guy down to change his clothes. He got washed off and put fresh PJs on. So you know what happens next... barraaaapppphhuuuuaaa. That's right, fresh clothes ALWAYS makes sick kids more nausious. Eventually, we got everything cleaned up. Changed out the bedsheets and started a load of pukey laundry. Tucked our little sicky baby back in bed and thoroughly disinfected our hands, arms, bodies.
The next morning I knew to start the BRAT diet(if he was hungry for more than just saltine crackers). Have you heard of the BRAT acronym?
My mom told me about it a couple years back. If you have anyone in your family with anything coming out either end that shouldn't be, then start them on the BRAT diet when they are hungry enough to eat again.(MY LEGAL DISCLAIMER...OK ACTUALLY CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FIRST AND TALK OVER THE BRAT DIET WITH THEM.) Rice and toast are two starchy foods with no grease in them so it's mild on the old tummy. I also like to replenish minerals and nutrients and rehydrate with Gatorade as well. For some reason the brand Gatorade seems to work best for me and my kids but you know what works for you just make sure to rehydrate and drink something that helps your system balance back out.
Anyone else with advice on what to eat after being nasty sick???
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Stain Solutions: Chocolate
Flush with club soda. Tough Stain: Sponge with liquid hand soap and ammonia(be careful!); launder
Blot or scrap excess; flush with club soda. Apply dry-cleaning solvent. Launder.
Apply solution of dishwashing liquid adn hot water. Wipe stain with suds. Rinse; polish.
*The above tips are from Family Circus magazine printed 5/12/1998 page 12. TheSmellyArmpit's tip is to slather more chocolate all over your shirt and lick it off. Then treat yourself to a shopping trip to buy a new shirt.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Conversation with MageeBoy. I'm holding up three fingers and ask him, "Are you three? Are you this many?"
MageeBoy replies, "No, I'm 46!"
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Lala Land
Shopping is amazing here - from Charming Charlies(I loooveee) to Tiffany's(yes a for real Tiffany's store). Purses more your thing? How about Michel Kors? Yep, have that store here. Like shopping in quaint or unique venues... try Market Street or even Portofino's. Yesterday, that's where MageeBaby and I shopped. We went to Hallmark, Stein Mart, and Carter's kids store(AWESOME DEALS!!!). No biggy right? WRONG! Check out the crazy architecture of this strip mall... So... much... fun!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Ahoy Mateys!
Aparently, there are the basics according to the International Talk Like a Pirate Day site...
Ahoy! - "Hello!"
Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa! Get a load of that!" which today makes it more of a "Check it out" or "No way!" or "Get off!"
Aye! - "Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did."
Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir, as soon as my break is over."
Arrr! - This one is often confused with arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you sit on a belaying pin. "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win it all," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made." And those are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr!
Perfect! Aye! Me not so readeee for the advanced course but believe this will get me through the weekend. :)
Friday, October 5, 2012
Good to the Last Drop...
Sweet MageePrincess is a big fan too. She enjoys playing with the "squeeky" toys(the ones that squirt water). She also likes to pretend to swim. Then it's a ritual for her after bathtime to be wrapped into her towel with just her little face sticking out and then cuddle on the couch with daddy while he's watching TV or playing on the computer.
And of course, MageeBoy loves bathtime too! He likes to pretend to be fishing or playing with his new boat or splashing(they all love splashing - what kid doesn't!). But when it comes to getting out of the tub, WWIII ensues. MageeBoy doesn't ever want to get out of the tub. He'll cry or try making the drain stop, or anything to not have to get out. And while the water of a very full bath is draining, instead of enjoying his last moments of playing, he'll cry and throw a fit or get really mad.
The other night while he was doing this it made me think about persevering in life - especially at the end of life. I have watched from a distance some elders at the end of their lives getting mad, throwing fits, so angry about their circumstances. I'm guessing because they were mad about things, maybe regrets, or maybe they were just not ready to get out of the tub quite yet.
I'm hoping if I get to reach that stage in life and know that the end is nearing, I hope I'm not kicking and screaming and crying while the water drains. I'm hoping I'll enjoy this life to the very last drop.
Things Toddlers Say
While making breakfast and the kids eating apples at the table...
"Mommy, are you a green spider?"
"No, I'm a mommy."
"Are you a Strawberry spider?"
"No(chuckle) I'm not a spider."
"Are you happy?"
"Yes, I'm very happy."
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
But how to clean all those pesky tiny millions of plastic toys without spending all day wiping each one individually?
A toy bath! That's how!
Ingredients - water, cleaning agent, toys, stir, rinse, rinse again, and rinse one more time just to feel safer, and drain. Viola! Oh, plus, having a toddler at preschool and one taking a nap so I didn't have to worry about anyone getting hurt helps too! Be sure to keep your kids far far away from the bathroom while doing this!
Do you have a tip that would help others out? Anything from finance, to travel, to housecleaning, organizing, car maintenance, etc??? I'd love to feature you and your idea here! Just email at MageeMommy at gmail dot com. :)
Friday, September 28, 2012
Medical Diagnosis...
It only made sense that the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree, so to speak. And I'm that apple. One of my first correct official diagnosis happened just the other day. My sweet husband came home from work with a terrible tummy ache and the accompanying symptoms(eew). He couldn't figure out what was wrong. Knowing he didn't have a temperature and without even asking a question, I said, "It's something you ate."(Bingo! Someone send me a co-pay!) He seriously wasn't sure that was the problem. That is until I asked what he had for lunch. His reply was, "A burrito... and a eggroll... from a gas station... heated up in a microwave." ahahaha!
Things Toddlers Say
Things Toddlers Say
"Thank you Jesus for today and trains to play with and toys to play with. Thank you Jesus for food and olives and pickles..."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Monday, September 24, 2012
It's a Rental... Whew!
Mommy Tips Monday
Today, I will be offering some sick baby advice.
Last year, some unfriendly viruses were hanging around our house. Well, maybe they are friendly as they want to be close to everyone, especially our little ones around here. Unfortunately, that included my little boy. :( After church one day, we realized he had 103deg temperature! YIKES!
So my tip for today has to do with keeping medicine handy. I'm so thankful that my husband had stocked up recently on fever medicine for babies and toddlers. So we didn't have to waste time going to the store for more.
That's tip #1 Always make sure you have medicine on hand regardless of your kids being sick or not already.
Tip #2 Make sure the medicine isn't past the expiration date or hasn't been recalled.
Tip #3 When in doubt, call your doctor! If he has a 100deg temperature, sometimes I've called the doctor. We live in the world's best country for medical care, take advantage of it!!!
Tip #4 Give that baby fluids(we called the pedialyte “koolaid” to get him to drink it this afternoon) and give him cuddles. It's no fun to feel sick!
Hope that everyone in your families are well! Any extra advice for sickly kiddos? Let us know in the comments below.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
A conversation about age with MageeBoy last fall...
MageeBoy: I three.
MageeMommy: Yes! You are three!
MageeBoy: Sister is two.
MageeMommy: Well, no, sister is just one.
MageeBoy: Mr. Octapus is four.
MageeMommy: OH! Wow! I didn't know he was that old already(we've only have our second fish less than a month).
MageeBoy: Mommy is 27.
Oh, he's so smart. LOL
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It is so important to monitor you little one's fluid intake - especially when it's so hot out! My doctor today suggested bringing pedialyte with me to our vacation last year since most of it was spent outdoors and my baby girl probably wasn't going to drink all the formula she needed while in the heat but would probably drink the pedialyte well.
2. SUNBLOCK! Can't have enough, can't apply it often enough! Also keep those little ones in the shade as much as possible. Wear hats and any protective clothes that make sense in the heat but also cover as much as possible.
3. Keep your eyes open and watch those babies! There's lots of hazards indoors and out for curious little babies and toddlers. Remember to always keep your eyes on them!
Hope these are some handy tips as you get ready to ramp up the summertime fun! Do you have any tips you'd like to share with others? Email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com and I'll feature you and your website here!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Let me tell ya what... I'm spoiled. Really really spoiled. We checked on the progress of the house. Shopped at a furniture store. And then....... Dinner at a Brazillian steakhouse. DELICIOUS! But the most adventurous part of our Friday night happened at the gas station that we picked up some cokes at before heading to check the house.
I. bought. lotto tickets. Yep. Me, the ultimate nerd and somewhat lover of statistics. I know the odds are worse with the lotto than slot machines and getting struke by lightning. But I was about to start drinking(Dr. Pepper) and felt like taking a dangerous risk - $4 worth. You know what, we didn't win. Not surprised?
I AM! Yes, isn't it silly? I did purchase two scratchoff's with that $4 and initially scratched the part with what money is won - $19(big league people). I already had it all spent in one place before even revealing the very first square of the rigged tic tac toe game. Then after the climax of scratching like a cat at a tree with a bird in it and revealing that none of my 9's were in a row like the rules. I felt sad. Let down. Desperate to know how I could raise the $19 dollars for my
Friday, September 14, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
While looking through photos of whales on the National Geographic site, MageeBoy asked, "Are they in the pond?"
I replied, "Well, no, that's the ocean."
MageeBoy said, "Those are sharks." (while looking at a killer whale) and then he added, "I feed him bacon."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
When Ya Due?
Mental note: I might want to try situps sometime soon.
Another mental note: It's been many many years since doing situps; how about some rainbow sherbet instead?
Monday, September 10, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Romans 8:28(KJV) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Friday, September 7, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Lately, MageeBoy and MageePrincess are saying funnier and funnier things. MageeBoy has been saying "Seriously?" a bunch and while I was putting his sister in her crib for a nap this morning he stated, "She's had a hard day."
MageePrincess has learned lots of new words like caaooow (cow) and is still saying, "Doats Daaa?" (what's that) while pointing at various things like the ceiling or a wall. It's hard to decide what exactly it is she's trying to learn about and sometimes I employ my baby translator(MageeBoy) to tell me what it is she's looking at. Also as of late, her favorite word is MeeMeeeeee. This could mean a number of things: pick me up, I want what he has, I want something out of reach.
It's fun trying to decipher what she is trying to tell us and listening to my little boy expand his vocabulary and language skills. :)
What funny things have you heard little ones say lately?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Airing It Out...
*PS Black Doggie is my nickname for the suburban which is named after a Patrick Swayze.(RIP Jack Crews) Woof Woof
Monday, September 3, 2012
Favorite Things
Yesterday, while visiting my sister's church I saw an ad on the TVs in the lobby area about painting with purpose Bible study group. So I called this morning and the coordinator sent me an email that I opened tonight. At the very end of the information was the Bible verse I Corinthians 15:58 "58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
Guess what? The very next email I opened was from Rejoice Ministries Charlyne Care's daily devotional. Can you guess what the very first Bible verse was? Yep! I Corinthians 15:58. I don't think this was a coincident and will try my best to give myself fully to the work of the Lord whether that means taking care of babies and my husband or spending time in pray or just trying to keep the apartment clean. :) God is so good!
Mommy Tips Monday
Anyway, my nonacetone laquer remover wasn't working on the industrial strength nail salon polish. So I thought, Well, I'll just have to paint over it because it was looking icky. Then I messed that up and decided to wipe it off. GUESS WHAT? And here's the tip... if your nail polish remover isn't working, swipe some more polish over the old and then wipe it off with a cotton ball. For some reason the wet new polish took off a lot of the old crusty polish with it! wahooo! How handy was that. It didn't remove the old polish 100% but enough that it doesn't show through with this new coat I put on. So I had pretty feet in sandals for Easter this year and didn't scare anyone with flakey ol' polish.
If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Friday, August 31, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Lately, whenever I ask MageePrincess what she is doing(whether playing with a stuffed animal or eating dinner), she'll reply, "I 'ont know." Sometimes I just ask to hear her because she says it so cute! LOL
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I noted to my dad that my youngest baby is growing at an alarming rate. I'm very short and my husband is very tall. Our kids definitely have his genes. So Papaw gave me a great Mom-ism quote to use in the future that his under five foot mom used to say to him, "If I have to stand on a ladder to whip you, I will!" LOL I can imagine his tiny mom with one hand on a hip and the other shaking a finger while she said this. :)
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Easy Bake Cake!
Baking a chocolate cherry cake sounds like something that should be reserved for those who have gone to culinary school doesn't it? But wait, you too can pretend to wear a fancy jacket funny hat combo in your spare time! A chocolate cherry cake is simple to make and it tastes like you spent a ton of time on it.
All you have to do is add a can of cherry pie filling and take out the oil from the recipe of a boxed cake mix. Bake the cake as it is on the box. Let it cool and use already made icing in the can!!! If you put it in a throw away pan you don't even have to ask for your dish back!!! How's that for easy bake cake?!!!
If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Friday, August 24, 2012
Bike Trailer Tales
Oh, I was that mommy today! LOL I had stopped to drink some water and give my 8month old his bottle to drink (which I thought was pretty cute with both of us enjoying our refreshments together wearing our helmets). My four year old got fussy with his sister and I relized it was because his sister was just picking and picking on him. He turned his back to her and I told her to stop picking. Then she said, "Pokey, pokey!" with a cheshire grin and giggles bubbling out. Sigh. I had to turn my head to not giggle myself and then got her to stop picking so the return trip to the apartment went smoothly. Oh, that grin!!! LOL
Things Toddlers Say
One day last fall on the way to drop off MageeBoy at preschool, he said, "What should we name baby brother?"
MageeMommy: "I don't know. What do you think?"
MageeBoy: "Giant." and then he listed off a bunch of objects that he likes to name him like Train, Car, etc. He's pretty cute. :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Church Visiting
And amazing He is. I have been blessed beyond measure. I am not worthy of His love, compassion and graciousness. I have so much... materially, healthwise, and most dear to my heart - familywise. My husband loves me and cherishes me; my children are healthy and beautiful; clean water; delicious food and our pick of anything we can think of. My list can go on and on and on. Praise you Lord for all you've giving me and my family!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Have you ever thought I wish I could get rid of these leftovers without having to eat them yourself. I have a great network of neighbors... We get together and exchange our left overs... that way it is new to our families. So it takes care of the how do I hide the leftovers from our husbands and children. We let each other know what we have and see if the exchange would work for our families. When that doesn't work I get creative to find ways to disguise what's for dinner. Keep it simple for the first meal and that way it makes it easier to recreate the next day for lunch or dinner.
If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on TheSmellyArmpit. Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Lessons Learned This Weekend...
One of the errands we ran this weekend was to get my oldest child a haircut that he didn't want. But he was beginning to look like a minature version of the minature Justin Beiber(at least JB seems so young to the eyes of this woman getting closer to 40). There were two lessons learned from this event... #1 Just because the place is called Cartoon Cuts and they have everything imaginable caterred to little kids, does not guarantee that a child that doesn't want a haircut will change their minds. #2 Even if you have three kids and you see this as a very narrow window of opportunity to get your own haircut, don't do it. I repeat, DON'T DO IT. You'll leave exhausted from your mad kid's giant tantrum, your husband's emotional exhaustion from taking care of said kid while you were stuck in the chair nearby, and you might not be so excited about the haircut from a woman that is used to making cutesy kiddie cutes all day long. She might have been tempted to give me a lollypop for being so good though. LOL
Friday, August 17, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
With the time change the sunset is happening sooner so while we eat dinner it's already pitch black outside. Tonight, I hadn't pulled the shades just yet and MageeBoy informed us, "The trees are sleeping!"
I also talked with one of his teachers today at preschool and found out he told them the name for our little guy is "Little Brother". LOL
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes
For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Good News on Weight Loss
That's right folks. Want to melt off those pounds? Get out your favorite blankie and snooze away. There might have been some other stuff in the article about carbs and exercise and something about not drinking 100 sodas a day and blah blah blah but really I like to the think the basis of the 3 page article was the one or two paragraphs regarding resting. So don't call me between 8pm and 8am or during my two hour afternoon naps; I'll be working on losing this baby weight.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Wet Smelly Shoes...
Do you ever have wet shoes when caught out in the rain? Well if you need the shoes to dry but lothe to put them in the dryer there's help. Just place wadded up newspaper in the shoe or boot. Pull it out after about 2 hours and repeat the process. The newspaper wicks the water out of the shoe and voila dry shoes and no dryer going thump thump thump. If traveling and don't have newspaper put the shoes under the aircondition/heater. The heat coming off the unit will help dry them in time for departing the hotel.
If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Famous Footwear 15% off + BOGO
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Famous Footwear for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Famous Footwear is having an awesome back to school sale. Not only 15% off but ALSO buy one get one sale! Check out the link here - BOGO + 15% off Famous Footwear Coupon. Be sure to print the coupon to redeem in-store by 8/18. You're probably wondering to yourself, how could this sale get even better? Well, if you are a Rewards member or sign up to become a Rewards member then that discount is actually 20%.
The Rewards program has special perks and discounts. For every dollar you spend in-store or online you earn a point and can accumulate points to earn certificates up to $100 a year! Plus, you get the discount offer just for signing up. And with back-to-school shopping in full swing, now is the perfect time to save.
You know what? The one thing is always great to save is time. With three little ones that are four years and younger, I need all the extra time I can get preparing for preschool shopping for this school year. Famous Footwear is a easy store to shop in because it has lots of options but isn't overwhelming. There's plenty of styles from which to choose like Crocs, Nike, New Balance, B.O.C.(one of my favorites), Rockport, and the list goes on and on.
Not only is going to the store easy to shop but their website is great too! With toddlers, it's no problem to pick out sizes for them right now. So that makes online shopping fantastic! Navigating Famous Footwear's website is SO EASY! I had no trouble clicking quickly through to toddler shoes. But better yet, I had no trouble clicking through to find some adorable shoes that I sooo heart. :) Do a search on the Famous Footwear site for Women's Habanera and you'll know what I'm talking about. One word... ADORABLE!
So start your back-to-school shopping at Famous Footwear and cash in on the great 15% discount + BOGO!
Stain Solutions
Blot, then work petroleum jelly into stain. Remove jelly. Place stain between paper towels and press with warm iron. Flush with dry-cleaning solvent. Launder.
Same as above.
Leather,suede,carpet: Work cornmeal into stair; let sit overnight. Vacuum. Furniture: Use shaving cream. Wipe; dry immediately. Polish.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Looking out window at our kitchen at our backyard earlier this week -
MageeBoy: There are no sheep.
MageeMommy: Yes, there are no sheep.
MageeBoy: We go to the store for more sheep.
Also lately at random times -
MageeBoy: Backtalk don't go round here.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
In the Freezer Section
There's hardly anything better than fresh baked cookies. Well maybe except for fresh baked cookies with a chilled glass of milk. YUM! Make cookies and eat them as they come out of the oven I say.... they taste oh so much better when warm and served with a ice cold glass of milk. I keep mugs in the freezer for just this occasion that way the milk doesn't get watered down from the ice cubes. These mugs can also be helpful if someone in the house has a booboo. Just wrap the mugs in a towel and hold them on the booboo. Speaking of taking care of booboo's... try a bag of frozen peas. Just break apart the peas while in the bag and hold it in place. A bag of frozen corn can work well for this too!
Got a great Freezer Section tip for our readers? Let us know in the comments below. Or you could also have your blog featured here by writing a Mommy Tips Monday post. Please submit posts to MageeMommy at gmail dot com
Friday, August 3, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
MageeBoy and I had a conversation one day when he came in my room to show me the big plastic rings he has put on the plastic beads that he plays with so much...
MageeBoy: Mommy, I put rings on the beads so I can fly. (as he started to twirl them around a bit)
Me: Oh, that's neat.
MageeBoy: I can be in sky and see butterflies and put them on trees where they will be happy.
Cute. I'm glad he's wanting to help butterflies be happy. :)
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Back on Track!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Today's tip is simple... Do not, if it can at all be helped, get your haircut while feeling cranky or mad or hormonal. It's a bad idea... trust me.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
MageeBoy talking to MageeWT while in his playpen: "I teach you to play. I teach you trains. I teach you wash your hands in my bathroom. You not big enough right now. Then you wash your hands in bathroom."
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Take a Minute...
My tip for today is to remember to take a minute. Take a minute to hug your little toddler, take a minute to brush your hair, take a minute to vacuum or sigh or rest. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a minute. Instead of trying to doing all things all at once and not being able to get anything done, try just breaking down your day into short time intervals. It might seem more bearable to you if your day is getting tough. Sometimes looking at the big picture can overwhelm us, so take a minute, slow down, and enjoy the moments of life. :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Oh, MageeBaby has been saying so funny stuff lately. Just now he started singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider and then after the last verse stated, "I don't like to swim." LOL
Yesterday I asked what we should pack to go visit his grandparents, "Snowflakes!"
I laughed and asked, "What else?"
With his arms spread open, "LOTS of snowflakes!!!!"
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Cherie Bright is a stay-at-home mom, who refers to career as a holly homemaker/ mommy extraordinaire. She is the author of the blog and the book titled “Another Day, Another Story.” She is a graduate from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Computer Science and Communications, both of which she uses daily trying to outwit her children. Bright moved to The Woodlands, Texas in 2004 from El Dorado, Arkansas. She is the mother of two children and wife to one understanding husband. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, camping, and sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. “Another Day, Another Story,” is available at bookstores nationwide or by visiting or A download version is available direct from the publisher at
The Drink Tub
I love the drink tub. You know the one. You can get them everywhere. Target has their drink tubs from $8-$25. They are super handy.
They have many uses.
• Put your drinks in them for a party and ice them down. Handy & cute. Even toddlers can get a drink out of these.
• Put snack bags for sporting events, when you are then snack parent at the next soccer/football/whatever game.
• Use for bobbing for apples at your next Halloween bash.
• Put all your picnic supplies in them for a trip out to the park.
• Put all your supplies for your next meeting and use as a tote for carrying.
• At your next kids party put all your goodie bags in it and bring out at the end of
the party. Keeps goodies bags from tipping over.
• Turn upside down and cover with table cloth to use as a lift to set your food trays on different levels at the buffet of your next dinner party.
• Throw all the toys in, when your unexpected company arrives and shove it in the closet.
• Drill a couple of holes in the bottom of your METAL drink tub. Fill with fire resistant glass rocks and then put a two gel fuel canisters in the drink tub. Set it outside for your very own small fire pit. Make sure the gel fuel canisters do not touch the side of the METAL drink tub. (do not use a plastic drink tub, or it will melt). And be careful and put it in a safe place, outdoors and away from children and pets!!!
• Drill a couple of holes in the bottom of your drink tub for drainage and use as a planter.
OK. So, there are just a few ideas. Now, go out and enjoy your drink tub!!!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Saturday, MageeBoy and I were playing in the 'tent' we made with chairs and pillows and the Thomas the Train tent and other blankie and things. MageeBoy had some spider rings from last Halloween and said, "Spider is hungry." So I ask what we should feed the spider and he replies, "Hot dogs." LOL
Also of note, MageePrincess is adding to her vocabulary daily and improving her speech. I love to hear her talk and my favorite word to hear her say lately is pillow which sounds like "paw whoa". So cute!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Here's more information about Cherie:
Cherie Bright is a stay-at-home mom, who refers to career as a holly homemaker/ mommy extraordinaire. She is the author of the blog and the book titled “Another Day, Another Story.” She is a graduate from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Computer Science and Communications, both of which she uses daily trying to outwit her children. Bright moved to The Woodlands, Texas in 2004 from El Dorado, Arkansas. She is the mother of two children and wife to one understanding husband. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, camping, and sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. “Another Day, Another Story,” is available at bookstores nationwide or by visiting or A download version is available direct from the publisher at
The Shoe Basket
• Are you tired of finding your families shoes multiplying like rabbits throughout your house, and mainly in your living room?
• Do you wish that someone other than you was bending over to pick up shoes?
• Have you found yourself wishing you could find the match, only to find one under the couch and one under the bed?
• Is yelling at your children and husband over shoes getting to be too much?
Then get a shoe basket.
That’s right. A buy a big laundry hamper basket with a lid, you’ll want this to be able to close. And set it by the door that everyone comes in and out of during the day. Tell everyone, neighbor kids included, to throw their shoes in the basket or you’ll throw them away. It only takes one pair that they have to drag out of the trash to get them used to the idea.
You will still on occasion have to pick up shoes in the living room or wherever and put them in the shoe basket, but it’s better than trudging upstairs to see the mess that needs to be cleaned there. And when it’s time for the company to leave, you don’t have to waste another 30 minutes of trying to find that kid’s shoes. They are right where they belong, close to the door to leave.
Enjoy your shoe basket. I know I do.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Trash Valet
The apartment complex we live in has a trash valet. That's right. I put my trash in a designated valet plastic trash can and then between 6 and 8pm from Sunday through Thursday nights put this just outside my door. At 9pm a friendly guy that's maybe 21 years old with many piercings and with ipod blaring earbuds comes by and picks up the trash.
The streets here are all treelined. I mean all the streets. Even the parkways. It is called "The Woodlands" for a reason. LOL It also hosts the George Mitchell Nature Preserve which covers nearly 1,700 acres. WOW! Has a kayak launch, lots of trails, trees, has a creek running through it, etc.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the YMCAs here... The newest one just built has a nature trail area behind the building which boarders the nature preserve. It has raised boardwalk type areas high in the trees that wind around to places like an outdoor chapel, outdoor ampitheater, and even giant teepees. So cool! And don't get me started about the "village" pools... the one for our 'hood has the following stuff... Chaise / beach chair seating, Concessions sold, Lazy river, Maximum depth 5' or less, Shade structures, Swimming lanes / lap lanes, Water play structure / splash pad, and Water slides. AND there are 12 other pools to check out around here with just one pool pass! wahooo!
Ok, I'm loving this place already. Oh, and did I mention the elementary school that our oldest will go to next year just got built this year and will open this fall. WOW! This place just isn't real. Not sure why God is blessing us again and again with such an amazing place to live. I feel safe here, I feel amazed with each new day with all He is giving us while here on earth, I'm so thankful for things like fresh water to drink and abundance of food and healthy children and this fancy place to live. But most of all I'm thankful for God's mercy He gives me new each day. I do not deserve this life but moreover do not deserve the life and hope to come. Sigh. Thank you Lord.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
This is a series of posts of funny things my kids have said reposted from my other now private blog. I just think they are so cute I couldn't help myself but to post them all over again! Check back every Friday for more Things Toddlers Say!
Last night while tucking MageeBoy in for the night, he wasn't quite ready to go to sleep so he told me, "My boogars aren't tired." LOL
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Do you have a Mommy Tips Monday post you’d like to submit and promote your blog? Please email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com.
Another great idea from my very own Mommy... get your spiritual nutrition by have a Proverbs a Day for Breakfast. During the school year especially, from Monday through Friday, my sisters and I would read from the book of Proverbs. We would take turns each day and pick a verse or the entire chapter that corresponded with that day of the month. Then we would discuss what it meant. This helped us grow not only spiritually but also helped increase our vocabulary, built our confidence in reading outloud, and built our reading skills. We read from the King James version of the Bible and from the Good News paraphrased book. There also was a dictionary available so if there was a not commonly used word like "wrath" that we didn't quite understand we could look it up on the spot.
So today we would read from Proverbs 2(copied from ...
Proverbs 2
Moral Benefits of Wisdom
1 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding,
3 and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He holds victory in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8 for he guards the course of the just
and protects the way of his faithful ones.
9 Then you will understand what is right and just
and fair—every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you,
and understanding will guard you.
12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men,
from men whose words are perverse,
13 who leave the straight paths
to walk in dark ways,
14 who delight in doing wrong
and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
15 whose paths are crooked
and who are devious in their ways.
16 It will save you also from the adulteress,
from the wayward wife with her seductive words,
17 who has left the partner of her youth
and ignored the covenant she made before God.[a]
18 For her house leads down to death
and her paths to the spirits of the dead.
19 None who go to her return
or attain the paths of life.
20 Thus you will walk in the ways of good men
and keep to the paths of the righteous.
21 For the upright will live in the land,
and the blameless will remain in it;
22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land,
and the unfaithful will be torn from it.
Footnotes:a.Proverbs 2:17 Or covenant of her God
Friday, June 29, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
This morning MageeBoy said, "The dragonflies are sad." while telling us a story. So I asked why? "Because they miss their mommies." :)
Later he was telling us a story and said that spiders eat fish. Who knew?! LOL
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Today's tip from my very own mommy is to Set Your Alarm for Teenagers Curfews. Yep, little did I know when I first got to stay out late that they were never really up worrying about if I would make curfew. My parents had ingeniously set their alarm clock for my curfew and enjoyed a good nights sleep. So if I missed curfew, the alarm would wake them up and they would be waiting for me. It worked pretty good until I would sneak in just before curfew, turn off the alarm clock and sneak back out! LOL I really don't remember doing this. Ahhh selective memory. I guess these days with passwords on phones you could use your cell phone to set the alarm and not have to worry about a wayward teenagers turning it off. :)
Do you have a Mommy Tips Monday post you’d like to submit and promote your blog? Please email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Things Toddlers Say
Spiders eat cheese. Who knew?! LOL
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
So Dixie's Mommy Tip for today is having a secret signal with your kids. Ours was to tug on our ears. It could be pretty much anything like scratching your head, talking about the weather, etc. So if someone asked us to spend the night but we didn't want to hurt their feelings, we would tug on our ears and our parents would get us out of the deal. That's just one example. I don't remember what other things they would get us out of. It was mainly just used when we felt uncomfortable with a situation or didn't feel like we could verbalize our feelings at that moment.
Do you have a Mommy Tips Monday post you’d like to submit and promote your blog? Please email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Let's just say eew. And I'm so glad my husband found it... not me! haha He cleaned out the suburban completely and sprayed lisol all over the place. whew! It. was. gross!
Have you ever had the problem of not being able to find the cause of smell for days or weeks???? I'll never buy a brand new vehicles while any of my children are in toddler stage!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Things Toddler Says
"Snakes eat watermelon."
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Yep, they were running around, like kids are suppose to do in backyards, acting like they are kids and having fun while I was trying to herd everyone to one spot and my patient husband took in the craziness from his posed position with the little baby and our dog. There really wasn't any pictures that turned out with everyone smiling and looking at the camera. I think I'm going to photoshop my little baby where it appears that he has his head turned to the camera instead of his sister who was screaming and crying at just the instant the camera flashed for almost EVERY. SINGLE. PHOTO. She would be just fine and then just as the camera would go beep beep beep; she would freak out! SIGHHHH!
So what's the point of this cranky post? If you think you are saving your sanity by taking do-it-yourself group photos of your family, you aren't!!! Go seek professional help; and then find a good photographer. hahaha
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Mommy Tips Monday
Helpful Hint #682- Restaurant Woes Be Gone
You have survived. You know what I’m talking about, one of those horrid nights out with the children to a local restaurant and you and your husband have made a verbal commitment never to leave the house during a meal time ever again. The wiggles and loud voices came over the children and then just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse the whining and which promptly turns to the sobbing of you and your child.
Well, the truth is we have all been there. And sometimes it is just unavoidable. Everyone is tired and just ready to go home. But, it doesn’t have to be like that every trip to the restaurant. The key is being like a boy scout…prepared.
First, carry a package of boring crackers in your purse. This is especially important with younger children. When you go to a restaurant, everyone is hungry, sometimes starving. All the good smells start perking up the children’s senses. They know that tummy is growling. They want something to eat…now. Well, you don’t want your child to ruin his dinner, yet you want to keep the peace in the restaurant. If you have some crackers that they just sort of like, it will settle the tummy rumbles and yet they won’t want to fill up on it. I don’t know how many times the food arrives for the adults before the children. Or for toddlers, everyone has a meal and the parents opt to wait to feed them at home. If I was that toddler, I would find it very unfair and verbalize my disapproval. Or the worst ever, the food is not what was ordered for the child and they have to wait twice as long. Oh, how much adult conversation time was saved all due to a cracker stuffed mouth. I love the makers of Saltines for my older children and Cheerios for my toddler friends!
Second, “divide and conquer” as the old saying goes. When my two children sit side by side, I am inviting them to play and poke all through the meal. Many times, that is just fine. They want to enjoy the evening, as do I. So, when we are at Chick-fil-A or McDonald’s or whatever child friendly establishment, poke away my children. Yet, say we go to a place with a tablecloth you can be rest assured that my husband will be sitting by my daughter and I will be sitting by my son. Or vice versa, depending on which child is more “busy” is depending whom I choose to sit by that eve.
Third, a distraction is always good. When my children were toddlers, I always kept in my car a little bag of toys that they never saw, except in the restaurant. When selecting your one or two toys, my only suggestion is not to pick a ball as that encourages little Billy to throw it at others or anything with a wheel as little Sally will surely try to have it jump the canyon to the next table. I like magna doodles. And as they get older nothing beats a pen and a notebook. Perfect for drawing or playing games like tic-tac-toe. A good tiny stuffed animal works well, as does things like silly putty (not playdough, this leaves a color mark).
And let’s say you forget all this, and are at the restaurant without any diversions. I’ve been known to have my kids count the sugar packets, play games like who can guess what and win a packet, and when they were really starving just let them eat the sugar. If the service is too slow, then I figure it’s their own fault that I had to let my kids eat the sugar and we should all just suffer together.
Cherie Bright is a stay-at-home mom, who refers to career as a holly homemaker/ mommy extraordinaire. She is the author of the blog and the book titled “Another Day, Another Story.” She is a graduate from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Computer Science and Communications, both of which she uses daily trying to outwit her children. Bright moved to The Woodlands, Texas in 2004 from El Dorado, Arkansas. She is the mother of two children and wife to one understanding husband. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, camping, and sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. “Another Day, Another Story,” is available at bookstores nationwide or by visiting or A download version is available direct from the publisher at