Friday, September 28, 2012

Medical Diagnosis...

In my family, we refer to my mom as Mountain Woman, Medicine Woman. You know kind of like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. And not only does my immediate family refer to her this way, but some of my cousins do as well. Why? Well, she or my dad can generally give a pretty acurate diagnosis of any ailment we come up with and if she's not sure she'll refer us to a physician. I was even at their house once when one of my favorite cousins stopped by for other reasons but before leaving asked our Mountain Medicine Woman what a big rashy patch was on his leg. Yep, she's good and doesn't bill! LOL

It only made sense that the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree, so to speak. And I'm that apple. One of my first correct official diagnosis happened just the other day. My sweet husband came home from work with a terrible tummy ache and the accompanying symptoms(eew). He couldn't figure out what was wrong. Knowing he didn't have a temperature and without even asking a question, I said, "It's something you ate."(Bingo! Someone send me a co-pay!) He seriously wasn't sure that was the problem. That is until I asked what he had for lunch. His reply was, "A burrito... and a eggroll... from a gas station... heated up in a microwave." ahahaha!

Things Toddlers Say

This morning as MageeDaddy was leaving for work, MageeBoy asked innocently, "Do sea cucumbers pee on volcanos?"

Things Toddlers Say

This is a series of posts of funny things my kids have said reposted from my other now private blog. I just think they are so cute I couldn't help myself but to post them all over again! Check back every Friday for more Things Toddlers Say!

"Thank you Jesus for today and trains to play with and toys to play with. Thank you Jesus for food and olives and pickles..."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes

For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's a Rental... Whew!

If people could handle really gross commercials, I'd have a great idea for Fabreeze... Scene: Mom and Dad sleeping in a little late as the kids play in the room with them on the floor with different toys. Zoom in on older two kids playing together sweetly and then zoom on baby crawling down hall to bedroom. Now pan to diaper mysteriously in hallway. Back to mom and dad snoozing then waking making disgusting facial expressions. Mom says, "Eew. I've got to change that." Then mom sits up to smiling, giggling adorable baby that is standing while holding the bed. At this point pan to mom's face scrunched and grossed out as she realizes the cute baby is covered from the booty down in poo and standing in a pile of it. Gasp, Gag! "Honey! I'm going to need some help!!!" Dad hops out of bed whisks the baby to the bathroom while corraling the other kids away from the poo and into the bath too. End scene with all the poo picked up and mom happily cleaning the remaining stain out of the carpet. Or maybe end scene with laughing baby farting in the tub. Either way, that's how we started our Sunday this past weekend(minus the farting in the tub). Never a dull minute around here folks! :) P.S. Fart. Just had to type that again, there's just something funny about hearing the word in my head.

Mommy Tips Monday

Do you have a tip to share? Some great advice to give? Please email me your submission post including a link to your blog and short bio to MageeMommy at gmail dot com THANKS!

Today, I will be offering some sick baby advice.

Last year, some unfriendly viruses were hanging around our house. Well, maybe they are friendly as they want to be close to everyone, especially our little ones around here. Unfortunately, that included my little boy. :( After church one day, we realized he had 103deg temperature! YIKES!

So my tip for today has to do with keeping medicine handy. I'm so thankful that my husband had stocked up recently on fever medicine for babies and toddlers. So we didn't have to waste time going to the store for more.

That's tip #1 Always make sure you have medicine on hand regardless of your kids being sick or not already.

Tip #2 Make sure the medicine isn't past the expiration date or hasn't been recalled.

Tip #3 When in doubt, call your doctor! If he has a 100deg temperature, sometimes I've called the doctor. We live in the world's best country for medical care, take advantage of it!!!

Tip #4 Give that baby fluids(we called the pedialyte “koolaid” to get him to drink it this afternoon) and give him cuddles. It's no fun to feel sick!

Hope that everyone in your families are well! Any extra advice for sickly kiddos? Let us know in the comments below.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Things Toddlers Say

This is a series of posts of funny things my kids have said reposted from my other now private blog. I just think they are so cute I couldn't help myself but to post them all over again! Check back every Friday for more Things Toddlers Say!

A conversation about age with MageeBoy last fall...

MageeBoy: I three.

MageeMommy: Yes! You are three!

MageeBoy: Sister is two.

MageeMommy: Well, no, sister is just one.

MageeBoy: Mr. Octapus is four.

MageeMommy: OH! Wow! I didn't know he was that old already(we've only have our second fish less than a month).

MageeBoy: Mommy is 27.

Oh, he's so smart. LOL

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes

For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mommy Tips Monday

When it's HOT HOT HOT outside, the sun is relentless. So in light of all that, here's some tips and ideas about playtime outdoors in the sun and heat...

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It is so important to monitor you little one's fluid intake - especially when it's so hot out! My doctor today suggested bringing pedialyte with me to our vacation last year since most of it was spent outdoors and my baby girl probably wasn't going to drink all the formula she needed while in the heat but would probably drink the pedialyte well.

2. SUNBLOCK! Can't have enough, can't apply it often enough! Also keep those little ones in the shade as much as possible. Wear hats and any protective clothes that make sense in the heat but also cover as much as possible.

3. Keep your eyes open and watch those babies! There's lots of hazards indoors and out for curious little babies and toddlers. Remember to always keep your eyes on them!


Hope these are some handy tips as you get ready to ramp up the summertime fun! Do you have any tips you'd like to share with others? Email me at MageeMommy at gmail dot com and I'll feature you and your website here!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Oh yea people! Momma got to go on a date! Our sweet babysitter came over to take care of the kids and we skidded out of the parking lot like teenagers. Well, it was rainy, but we were excited about getting to spend time together without anyone else. :)

Let me tell ya what... I'm spoiled. Really really spoiled. We checked on the progress of the house. Shopped at a furniture store. And then....... Dinner at a Brazillian steakhouse. DELICIOUS! But the most adventurous part of our Friday night happened at the gas station that we picked up some cokes at before heading to check the house.

I. bought. lotto tickets. Yep. Me, the ultimate nerd and somewhat lover of statistics. I know the odds are worse with the lotto than slot machines and getting struke by lightning. But I was about to start drinking(Dr. Pepper) and felt like taking a dangerous risk - $4 worth. You know what, we didn't win. Not surprised?

I AM! Yes, isn't it silly? I did purchase two scratchoff's with that $4 and initially scratched the part with what money is won - $19(big league people). I already had it all spent in one place before even revealing the very first square of the rigged tic tac toe game. Then after the climax of scratching like a cat at a tree with a bird in it and revealing that none of my 9's were in a row like the rules. I felt sad. Let down. Desperate to know how I could raise the $19 dollars for my covetingdesires. Oh, alas, evil lotto how you raise my hopes and dreams only to dash them to the ground with your Lucky 9's scratch off tickets... come to think of it, silly me, whose ever heard of number 9 being lucky. Better luck next time.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Things Toddlers Say

This is a series of posts of funny things my kids have said reposted from my other now private blog. I just think they are so cute I couldn't help myself but to post them all over again! Check back every Friday for more Things Toddlers Say!

While looking through photos of whales on the National Geographic site, MageeBoy asked, "Are they in the pond?"

I replied, "Well, no, that's the ocean."

MageeBoy said, "Those are sharks." (while looking at a killer whale) and then he added, "I feed him bacon."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

When Ya Due?

Today, I had a bagger at the checker at Kroger ask, "So when are you due?" while studying my 9 month old in the grocery cart. I replied dryly and after a sad sigh, "Last December." To which she replied, "Well, he's pretty cute." Yep, he is and every bit worth the preggo looking belly. :)

Mental note: I might want to try situps sometime soon.

Another mental note: It's been many many years since doing situps; how about some rainbow sherbet instead?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mommy Tips Monday

Today's tip comes from my mom. It's more of a quote that I've heard here and there and talking with her today reminded me of how the trials of our lives can be used later to comfort other people that may face those same trials. She mentioned that everyone is given a ministry in life. Some are called to a ministry and some are called out of tragedy for a ministry.

Romans 8:28(KJV) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com

Friday, September 7, 2012

Things Toddlers Say

This is a series of posts of funny things my kids have said reposted from my other now private blog. I just think they are so cute I couldn't help myself but to post them all over again! Check back every Friday for more Things Toddlers Say!

Lately, MageeBoy and MageePrincess are saying funnier and funnier things. MageeBoy has been saying "Seriously?" a bunch and while I was putting his sister in her crib for a nap this morning he stated, "She's had a hard day."

MageePrincess has learned lots of new words like caaooow (cow) and is still saying, "Doats Daaa?" (what's that) while pointing at various things like the ceiling or a wall. It's hard to decide what exactly it is she's trying to learn about and sometimes I employ my baby translator(MageeBoy) to tell me what it is she's looking at. Also as of late, her favorite word is MeeMeeeeee. This could mean a number of things: pick me up, I want what he has, I want something out of reach.

It's fun trying to decipher what she is trying to tell us and listening to my little boy expand his vocabulary and language skills. :)

What funny things have you heard little ones say lately?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesdays: Toddler Takes

For the next several weeks the Wordless Wednesday post will be pictures that my 2 year old has taken.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Airing It Out...

Oh, the black doggie* stinks. Like wet dog been puking up rotten milk stank. Any other mommies remember or going through the toddler daily spillage in the backseat drives? Or ever see in your rearview mirror a small adorable little child emptied out on purpose accidentally dropping a complete bag of cheesy poofs on the floorboard and then scream out a tantrum about said cheesy poofs while pouring their grape slushie over the snack and in the process making some sort of scientific research project that would make a sewage treatment cleaner gag? I'm thinking my next mom-mobile needs to be made entirely of visqueen with a drain hole in the center for when I go through the carwash with the windows down... plus, how handy would it be to get everyone's bath taken care of at the same time. Brilliant!

*PS Black Doggie is my nickname for the suburban which is named after a Patrick Swayze.(RIP Jack Crews) Woof Woof

Monday, September 3, 2012

Favorite Things

One of my favorite things to happen is when Bible verses pop up repeatedly for me. It's amazing. I believe that God wants to have an intimate relationship with each of us. He wants to speak to my heart and love me. I'm amazed.

Yesterday, while visiting my sister's church I saw an ad on the TVs in the lobby area about painting with purpose Bible study group. So I called this morning and the coordinator sent me an email that I opened tonight. At the very end of the information was the Bible verse I Corinthians 15:58 "58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

Guess what? The very next email I opened was from Rejoice Ministries Charlyne Care's daily devotional. Can you guess what the very first Bible verse was? Yep! I Corinthians 15:58. I don't think this was a coincident and will try my best to give myself fully to the work of the Lord whether that means taking care of babies and my husband or spending time in pray or just trying to keep the apartment clean. :) God is so good!

Mommy Tips Monday

Today's tip comes from none other than MOI, the owner editor/owner of this blog! I hardly have time to get everything done around the house and pampering moi is last on my list. So a while back my superhero husband watched the kids so I could have “spa time” and learned something invaluable. Pedicures are not as pretty 6 or 7 weeks afterwards. When it's time to remove that flaking, grown out polish, sometimes it doesn't want to come off. That's what occurred during my spa time(ok getting to lock myself in the bathroom for a shower without being bothered).

Anyway, my nonacetone laquer remover wasn't working on the industrial strength nail salon polish. So I thought, Well, I'll just have to paint over it because it was looking icky. Then I messed that up and decided to wipe it off. GUESS WHAT? And here's the tip... if your nail polish remover isn't working, swipe some more polish over the old and then wipe it off with a cotton ball. For some reason the wet new polish took off a lot of the old crusty polish with it! wahooo! How handy was that. It didn't remove the old polish 100% but enough that it doesn't show through with this new coat I put on. So I had pretty feet in sandals for Easter this year and didn't scare anyone with flakey ol' polish.


If you would like to share a Mommy Tips Monday, please email me to be featured on Send articles, a short bio, and your website links to MageeMommy at gmail dot com